Song of The Week: Hurts Like Hell by Fluerie

Fleurie's Hurt like Hell is a chilling narrative about love and loss. I first came across hurts like hell while watching shadow hunters. Lame right? lol 

The l haunting lyrics
I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
I loved and I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell

We're probably the most beautiful and saddest lyrics I've ever heard yet at the same time they're so simple. 
Fluerie has a soft sing song voice that sounds like a whisper which just shows you the vulnerability of the song. Everyone can relate to giving someone they're all to someone and being left behind in the end. 

I don't want them to know the secrets
I don't want them to know the way that I loved you
I don't think that they would understand it, no 
I don't think that they would  accept me, no 

This was probably the portion of the song that hit me the most. After loving someone will every fiber of my being and being left behind I felt weird talking about. I felt like no one would be able to understand the way I was feeling. So while this song is sad and will for sure have you in the "feels" as my stupid friend Matt would say. It's still comforting to know that someone out there understood how you were feeling.

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