Now I'm not gonna say when exactly this happened because who knows my dad may read this or some shit. Can you imagine all the random questions. My dad is still under the impression that I'm a virgin virgin. On the flip side my mom is super cool. The first time I gave head I told her and all she could say was did you use a condom. Now she loves to joke around saying I can't drink off her because she doesn't know where my mouth has been.
So there was this day I had unprotected sex. It all happened so fast and he didn't have condoms. Never happening again ever lol. You readers most likely don't know this but I am paranoid as fuck. I have never and will never trust the pull out method. That's how people get pregnant and at 21 I don't have a baby in my life plans any time soon. Maybe never honestly.
Back to the story so after incredible sex I laid there for a while thinking wtf wtf wtf what did I just do. The guy had to take me back to school because my class started at 5:30. Now it's already 6 and I need to go to class because my best friend is sitting there all by her lonesome probably wondering what I'm doing. I finally make it to school and walk into class. Not at first really I kind of debated going inside the room. I lingered outside for a bit then the professor spots me and says come on in. I walk in and I have this super embarrassed smile on my face. Mind you it's a small ass class since so many people have dropped it so I can't stop smiling and laughing.(I'm so awkward but in a cute way I would like to think) I sit by my friend and she just has this knowing look. Like she knows that at 6:45 after we get out of this boring class that I have a story to tell her. As soon as class is over and we're in the elevator by ourselves I whisper in a tiny childlike voice we need to go to CVS after lab because I need to buy plan b. Her eyes light up in shock and she's kind of like what did you say? We make it outside to some tables and I tell her everything that happened. The whole steamy ordeal.
She laughs and says this could only happen to me and she couldn't make this up even if she tried. So now we're agreed upon the fact that I need to have plan b because how can I possibly be mature enough to take care of a child if I can barely remember to have my id or card on me when we do go out.
So fast forward lab is boring blah blah blah. Lab is over blah blah blah. We get into her car and we find the nearest CVS. Thankfully it's literally up the street from school. We both get out of the car and walk into CVS. I start laughing out of nowhere because this is bound to be the most awkward situation of my life. Me and my friend make our way towards the pharmacy and who is working there. A really hot guy around my age. Well not hot I have really weird taste I've noticed but I'm attracted and he's attractive. Now I need to ask this guy that I think is hot hey can I get some plan b? We're standing behind this older couple and they're about to be done paying for what they need. Alright they're done so now I'm up. I can't even make eye contact with him I look down and I say can I get some plan b. He's all like sure gets it from the back. I pay for it clearly because plan b is not free or cheap guys. Use condoms always. Let me stop digressing. He gives me the plan b. I grab my friend and get the hell out of there. On the way home we both laughed in the car because what are the chances of having to ask the most attractive guy you've ever seen and would totally ask out for the morning after pill?
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