Why I Won't Date in 2016

At 21 the love I found was temporary and unfulfilling
Entirely too conditional for my tastes
It was exciting, passionate even
But I had a soul that wanted more, that craved stillness
No more roller coasters or world winds 
I needed a constant in a world that was ever changing
I learned that at 21 a boy can like you but he cant fall in love
All he can see is a body to satisfy simple lust

Now that's me you see above and I'm currently rocking that no fuckboy glow. Jk lol well kind of. I'm not sure if it can be seen but I'm genuinely happy. While sometimes I miss having someone to make out, and text late night I'm happy to be unattached. I don't miss tears or stressing out over someone else. I've come to the conclusion that no one my age is serious. At least no one I've dealt with yet. That probably sounds bitter but it's not. Unfortunately I've talked to way too many guys in my lifetime but they've made me realize what I want out of a person.

  • Intelligence because while I'm pretty I'm not dumb
  • Kindness because while I seem cold hearted I'm actually a really soft koala bear
  • Reliability because I need to trust them with myself
  • Laughter because having a sense of humor is muy importante
  • Sarcasm because I'm sarcastic as fuck
  • Spontaneity because it keeps things interesting and I get bored too easily
  • Independence to a point because I can't stand too much clinging
  • Uniqueness because why would I want someone who's like everyone else
  • Open Mindedness because if your mind is close how can you grow or move forward
  • Patience because I am crazy as fuck and am bound to annoy them
  • Understanding because I've been through quite a bit
  • Most importantly someone that just sees me as I am.

That's why I'm not dating in 2016. I like that I'm happy and I'm enjoying my freedom. If I can't find what I want why in the world do I need to waste my time like everyone else? I know too many people who are in unhappy relationships or situationships that are simply too scared of being alone. I'm not saying that love isn't in the cards for me this year but right now I just don't see it. If I fall in love great but if mot I'll be fine. I'm too focused on my own happiness and goals. Maybe at 23 or 24 I'll find the one if not I'll be a really hot cougar I guess. There's nothing wrong with being alone or sleeping alone. My happiness doesn't need to come from being in love or loving someone other than myself.

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